Thursday, August 14, 2014

Run #1: 30 Alta Drive, Acacia, Acorn House

For some reason, the first building listed on the map is 30 Alta Road.  We're not quite sure why.  It is the only building that begins with a number in the entire section, so I guess numbers come before letters.  Alta certainly doesn't come before Acacia.

Alta Drive is on the other side of Junipero Serra, if you go up the hill from the driving range.  It was a pretty long journey for first building, but neither of us had been up their in a long time.  You get some great views of campus and the foothills, and we talked about going this way to sneak onto the dish for some future run.  It was very calm and beautiful: we saw a deer and a huge jack rabbit hopping through a field.

30 Alta Road is a research building tucked into some oaks.  We weren't sure that it was the correct building, so we actually ran up the hill a bit before pausing to look at the map to make sure we had found the right building.

We're a little bit fuzzy on our rules of what "visiting" a building means.  We're not going to go inside each building, but we're going to try to see the plaque that identifies the building, and maybe touch a door or railing.  We can't just see it from afar.

Next was Acacia, one of several "portable" buildings in a small cluster tucked right off campus near the power plant.  We'd run by them several times and never noticed them before.  The cluster has a tree theme, so we'll be making a few return visits to portables like Birch and Oak.

Along the way, we had this conversation:
Ira: "Why didn't we come up with this idea a long time ago?"
KMo: "Because it's stupid."
Ira: "Of course.  So why didn't we come up with it a long time ago?"

We decided to hit one last place: Acorn House is way out by the intersection of El Camino and Serra. It made the run way too long, but we got there.  It is a newer building, and looks like it houses some daycare or children's center.  I probably should have read the sign more carefully, but we were tired.

We then weaved back through Escondido Village, not really having any idea where we were going.  We did find a nice community garden, however.  I think we're going to see lots of things we'd never seen before.

Total distance: 5.2 miles (much further than we should have gone)

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