Friday, August 15, 2014

Run #2: Advanced Medicine Center, Anatomy, Arboretum Children's Center, Arguello

The theme of this run was "construction".  Our first building was the Advanced Medicine Center, also known as the Cancer Center.  I should have known where this was, because I've taken my friend Ken there a few times, but I didn't recognize the name.  We found it eventually, although we got totally confused by the fact that the entire hospital area is under construction, and so every path we seemed to take ended up in a temporary fence or barricade.

On the way out, we took a wrong detour and got stuck in a valet parking lot, but then found a sneaky path to get through the hospital without going all the way around it.  That might come in handy later on.

Our next stop was a weird one: our map says Anatomy, but that's not listed on the map anywhere.  We did some googling before our run, and learned that the old Anatomy building was torn down, and is being replace with a new building.  In a weird twist, that building will be called the McMurtry Building, and I've met Deedee and Burt McMurtry.  They couldn't be nicer people.  Anyways,  Ira and I ran by the construction site of the McMurtry Building, formerly the Anatomy building. 

We then had a long run down Palm Drive to the Arboretum Children's Center.  The map (which we're beginning to question) says "Currently closed", although the doors were open when we got there.  Some people were carrying out boxes, though, so maybe we were seeing it in its final days.

On the way back, we were at a crosswalk and someone was turning without looking for pedestrians.  Ira said "Look out" to me, but another man heard him and started to walk, perhaps thinking that "look out" meant "start walking".  He almost got hit.  

As an aside, it has been a pretty common occurrence that people driving have not seen us.  Yes, we're often coming down weird paths from the wrong direction, but please look where you're going.

Our last stop was Arguello, 425, 427, & 429 (Encina Modular A, B, C).  Ira picked up the pace this last mile and went way too fast, but these are near Crothers and Toyon.  In the grand finale for our construction theme, these weren't there at all.  

So, the final score: 4 buildings (2 not there at all due to construction, 1 difficult to get to since it was surrounded by construction, 1 closing for some reason).

Total distance: 4.8 miles (10.0 miles total).

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